Pulpit Rock, at the Southern tip of Portland Bill, is pretty cool. It was created by quarry workers in the 1870s who took away the surrounding rock, to leave the edifice and the leaning stone standing alone to represent an open bible resting against a pulpit. It's huge, but on this day the wild ocean in a gale with a setting sun is the star of the show.

My technique taking this photo was to lean into the wind as far as I dared over the edge with my camera wrapped in a t-shirt under my jacket,  and then in a dryish moment pull my camera out, point it into the spray, whip the t-shirt off the lens, and shoot half a dozen snaps before the next wave soaked me. Then try my best to dry the lens under my jacket and repeat. A bit hairy but it gets the blood flowing.

Shipping Forecast for Portland on Wednesday 7th November 2018:

Gale warning- severe gale force 9 veering southwesterly and decreasing gale force 8 soon. Rough, occasionally very rough at first in North. Rain then thundery showers. Good occasionally poor.

Longitude 50.51.43 N Latitude 2.45.92 W

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